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Episode 21.1Theme Tune QuizFeatures include: The Signal Theme Tune Quiz |
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Episode 21Holiday SpecialFeatures include: Broadwaves: Killer Angels; The Terraformers: Episode 25: The Day of Plagues; Diary of a Companion: Part 27; Permanent Waves; Analyzing Unification Day; Hard Burn: The Firefly; Borderline: Hard Burn: Star in a Reasonably Priced Spaceship; Hard Burn: The Race; Tangled Yarn: The War Buddy Bond; Life in the 'Verse Special: Remembering Serenity Valley; Music Section: The Ballad of Serenity |
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Episode 20Features include: Editorial: The Future's so Bright; How to Speak Chinese: Pilot, part 2; Going Dark: Making Money on Miranda; Serenity Speculation: What's Patience's Game Plan?; What's in a Signal?: Holiday Specials; Badger's World: Episode 30: Flying Visit |
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Episode 19Features include: Editorial: Much Ado About Hope; Earthburn: The Summer of '69; What's in a Signal?: Levels of Analysis; A Tale of Two Crews; How to Speak Chinese: Pilot; Diary of a Companion: Part 26; Going Dark: Let's Get Outa Here |
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Episode 18Features include: Editorial: Flying Solo; Going Dark: Going Up; Music Section: Preacher Book; The Value of Life, Part 1; Firefly in Five Lines: Jill's Choice |
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Episode 17Features include: Firefly in Five Lines: Les's Choice; The Shipworks: The Brainpan (part two of |
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Episode 16Features include: Earthburn: Conventional Wisdom; Tangled Yarn: Kaylee and Inara; Firefly in Five Lines: Craig's Choice; Serenity Speculation: What Did The Operative Want?; Vote: Interview: Niska Headquarters; Going Dark: First Shots Fired |
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Episode 15.1The Signal Live 2011Features include: Interview: Mike Dougherty; The Shipworks: Of Electric Sheep; Music Section: Freedom Costs; How to Speak Chinese: Fruity Oaty Bar; Q&A Session |
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Episode 15Features include: Vote: Interview: Badger headquarters; Broadwaves: The Sandman (Series of Comic Books by Neil Gaiman); Firefly in Five Lines: Anna's Choice; Going Dark: I Never Want to Grow Up; Partners in Crime; Diary of a Companion: Part 24 |
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Episode 14Features include: The Vasty Nothingness; What's in a Signal?: Speculating, Signal Style; Tangled Yarn: Mal and Book; Firefly in Five Lines: Andy's Choice; Interview: The Browncoats; Getting Dicey: Dicey Adventures |
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Episode 13.5Blast from the Past, part threeFeatures include: Broadwaves: Secret Army; Interview: Nathan and Sandra Town; Diary of a Companion: Part 1; The Terraformers: Episode 12: Blast Off; Musical Evolution: From Firefly to Serenity; Earthburn: Articles of Alliance |
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Episode 13.4Blast from the Past, part twoFeatures include: Mudders' Milk advertisement; Mudders' Milk How-To; Interview: Gina Torres; Reavers and Frankenstein; Badger's World: Episode 1: Reasonable |
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Episode 13.3Redemption TalkFeatures include: Redemption Talk |
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Episode 13.2Redemption SpecialFeatures include: Heart of Redemption; Redressing the Balance; The Good, the Bad, and the Alliance; Music Section: Hush Little Citizen; Redemption in Five Lines; Analyzing Laura; Interview: Mike Doherty (Redemption); The Sound of Redemption; Music Section: Redemption Trailer Four |
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Episode 13.1Blast from the Past, part oneFeatures include: Serenity Speculation: Reavers; The Terraformers: Episode 0: Attack of the Crazy, Demented, Killer Training Instructor; The Terraformers: Episode 3: Invasion of the Killer Squirrels; Interview: Adam Baldwin; The Poetry of the 'Verse: Babelverse; The Science of Firefly; Borderline: Paquin |
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Episode 13Features include: What's in a Signal?: Catching Clips; Firefly in Five Lines: Jutta's Choice; Interview: Andy Gore; Tangled Yarn: Pull One String, You Pull Them All; Serenity Speculation: Reaver Expansion; Vote: Interview: Mo Wenti; The Heroes of Firefly |
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Episode 12Features include: Editorial: Long Live Firefly; How to Speak Chinese: The Five Suns; A Tale of Two Equilibria; Broadwaves: Being Human; Interview: Lisa Anderson of Whedonfest 2011; Psychic Definitions - What is a Reader?; Diary of a Companion: Part 23 |
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Episode 11Features include: Of Love and Money; The Shipworks: Glitch Hunt (part three of |
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Episode 10Features include: Editorial: Moments of Irrational Optimism; A Firefly Safari; Interview: Marc Gunn & Cedric; The Expanding Whedonverse; Vote: Debate; Music Section: Freedom Costs; The Voice of Serenity |
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Episode 9Features include: What's in a Signal?: Hosting; Never Too Young to Wear a Brown Coat; Life on the Raggedy Edge; Vote: Vote Jayne; Firefly in Five Lines: Cornelius's Choice; Serenity Speculation: What is the Backstory of the Operative?; Diary of a Companion: Part 22; Around the 'Verse in 80 Days: Bernadette |
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Episode 8Features include: Editorial: Shades of Brown; Serenity Speculation: For What Was the Alliance Training River?; The Poetry of the 'Verse: Along for the Ride; The Shipworks: ¡Cuidado!; Vote: Don't Vote Badger; Getting Dicey: Dicey Crews; Firefly and Me: They Call it the Law; Music Section: Lay Me Down; Firefly in Five Lines: Nick's Choice |
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Episode 7Features include: The Industrial Characters of the 'Verse; The Shipworks: The Relativity of Simultaneity; An Indelible Mark; Vote: Vote Sheriff Bourne; Firefly in Five Lines: James's Choice; The Poetry of the 'Verse: Following the Voices; Interview: Mikey Mason; Music Section: She don't like Firefly |
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Episode 6Features include: Editorial: Taking a Journey; How to Speak Chinese: Liann Jiun and its moons; Firefly in Five Lines: Kara's Choice; Vote: Vote Badger; Diary of a Companion: Part 21; Serenity Speculation: Alliance Inaction, Considered; Firefly and Me: Doing Something Right; The Poetry of the 'Verse: Whedony; Browncoat Cosplay: An Introduction |
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Episode 5Features include: How to Speak Chinese: The Moons of Sihnon; Interview: Melissa Honig - Browncoat Ball; The Poetry of the 'Verse: Babelverse; Firefly in Five Lines: Bindiya's Choice; The Clothes and the Characters, Part II; Broadwaves: Podcastnovel: Shadowmagic; Vote: Vote Niska |
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Episode 4Features include: Editorial: The Squeaky Wheel; The Shipworks: Superpolynomial Subexponential Runtimes; The Poetry of the 'Verse: The Language of Time Travel; He Looks Better in Red; Interview: John Mullaney; Around the 'Verse in 80 Days: Xing Yun |
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Episode 3Features include: The Worthier Part; Heart of Firefly: The Heart of Serenity; Vote: Vote Patience; Interview: Heather Fagan; Diary of a Companion: Part 20; Firefly in Five Lines: Steve's Choice |
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Episode 2Features include: Editorial: Celebrate; Serenity Speculation: Survival of the Fittest; Interview: Mike Dougherty; The Clothes and the Characters; Around the 'Verse in 80 Days: Ezra; Firefly in Five Lines: Paul's Choice |
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Episode 1Features include: Editorial: Charity Begins in the 'Verse; Reaver Chase: The Game; Diary of a Companion: Part 19; Broadwaves: Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files series; Firefly and Me: Better Late than Even Later; Firefly in Five Lines: Miranda's Choice; The Shipworks: Minimal Expressionist Postmodern Neo-symbolist |
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This is an archive of the Signal website. It is no longer actively maintained.