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First aired: The Signal: Season 3, Episode 11
The war is over. It ended a month ago, and celebrations show no sign of abating. The task ahead of us is to come together, winners and losers all, put our differences behind us, and move on. Soon, the new era of unification will take its first faltering steps. But not today. Today, we party. We're here on Paquin, to join in the celebrations.
Written by Jill Arroway
Starring Carolyn Parkinson as Romana Ling
Featuring Miranda Thomas as Bystander 2
Featuring Trampas Whiteman as Voiceover
Featuring Nick Edwards as Bystander 1
Featuring David Moore as Priest
Featuring Ben Edwards as Browncoat
Featuring Barry Johnson as Ben Austin
Featuring Katie Logan as Papagina Vichot
Featuring Tee Morris as Lieutenant Tom Yates
Featuring Cedric as Cedric
Featuring Hawke as Hawke
Edited by Jill Arroway

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